The Thar Desert is one of the most inhospitable landscapes on earth.
The battle occurs above a largely inhospitable landscape, whose pollution prompted the evolution of the mutant races.
The hand of Nature, overwhelming our struggle to grasp the riches of this inhospitable landscape, is everywhere apparent.
George stood in the moonlit kitchen, looking out at the inhospitable landscape.
There is no room for mass tourism and individuals wandering aimlessly about the inhospitable landscape are just a pain for the authorities.
They suffered greatly from lack of food and from the inhospitable landscape.
The ground undulated, an inhospitable landscape of boulders and outcrops of rock.
So he hiked on through an open but inhospitable landscape, going he didn't know where, and he was getting very hungry.
It was a wild northern landscape, bleak, harsh, inhospitable.
All around would be an inhospitable landscape unsuited for the production of anything except dates and camel dung.