Pneumatophores (aerial roots) allow mangroves to absorb gases directly from the atmosphere, and other nutrients such as iron, from the inhospitable soil.
But it has not been easy for the Berkeley Street Garden to take root, and not just because of inhospitable soil.
They reap tiny crops from hard and inhospitable soils.
And so the wars gradually died down like a wind, though not before some British blood had been spilled on that inhospitable soil.
Democracy and the rule of law are taking root in Russia's inhospitable soil.
It was a reminder of how even something so fragile as faith could survive in inhospitable soil.
Windblown sand had collected here and a solitary metal weed had taken root in this inhospitable soil.
Its native habitat is southern Europe, where it grows on rocky hill and mountainsides, from the most inhospitable soil.
The Council is thoroughly naive in trying to plant the delicate flower of Western democracy in the inhospitable soil of Afghan tribalism.
Equally, we must not engage in behind-the-scenes agitation in a hypocritical attempt to plant so-called 'European values' in inhospitable soil.