Many species are isolated in restricted ranges by changes of climate or inhospitable territory, such as stretches of sea, mountain ridges, deserts, forest clearance, road construction, or other man-made barriers.
The expedition, under difficult conditions, crossed the Andes and into the Amazonian jungle, an inhospitable territory devoid of provisions.
The area is in very inhospitable territory, among the most difficult that the troops in the American-led Afghan coalition have tackled so far, but officials anticipate finding important information, Colonel Pease said.
Opposition came from both Conservative and National Liberal legislators, who viewed Northern Dobruja as an inhospitable, nonstrategic and non-Romanian territory.
The delta region of southern Nigeria, where the mighty Niger River drains into the Atlantic Ocean, includes some of the most inhospitable territory on earth.
In the morning, they struck camp and moved on quickly, none of them willing to linger in such inhospitable territory.
The task of these animals was to go forth and prosper in often inhospitable territory like the Scottish Highlands or the New England hills.
The "special settlements" were largely in Siberia, the far north, the Urals, or other inhospitable territories.
Bands of Yezda, with their nomadic hardiness and mobility, had penetrated even this inhospitable territory.
Man has conquered this frozen hell, and is living off the most inhospitable territory ever touched.