Among the victims of this band of inhuman beasts were Comrades A. A. Zhdanov p1 and A. S. Shcherbakov p2 .
Henderin was forgotten in the face of this inhuman beast of scarlet streaked white that now crept toward her in dreadful certainty of its prey.
Viewed as a threat to the social and political order, Holt argues that "Huguenots not only had to be exterminated - that is, killed - they also had to be humiliated, dishonoured, and shamed as the inhuman beasts they were perceived to be."
To think that there could be such inhuman beasts in the world, in this beautiful France, who would injure them.
But it gave no one the right to create a government that was an inhuman, soulless beast!
When Hunter started "Cop Hater," he said: "I only knew one thing about policemen: they were inhuman beasts.
That cruel, inhuman beast!
Mr. Kiku, what sort of inhuman beast are you?
It heralded the unleashing of the inhuman beast he carried inside him.
The appearance of cleanliness is next to the godliness of a barbaric hierarchical market-mad organisation of life making a mess of everybody's lives except the inhuman rich beasts of this world.