Even in the most inhuman conditions, they remained human.
Innocent people were killed or kept in inhuman conditions, he said, out of somebody's "obsession with changing the world."
Of the 33,000 Estonian conscripts, more than 10,000 died in these inhuman conditions due to disease, hunger and cold.
Women from minority communities are facing various types of inhuman conditions in Pakistan.
The ones who died did so in the most inhuman and horrible conditions.
Forcing people to live in inhuman conditions is violence.
It can also support the amendments on transportation in inhuman conditions as an aggravated circumstance.
Hundreds of migrants have taken the route to exile in inhuman and highly dangerous conditions.
When can we expect changes to the Dublin system, so that these people are no longer exposed to inhuman conditions?
There are still more than a million refugees, most of them living in inhuman conditions.