The people with her, the former prisoners of the Aetryx, stood still as well, uneasy as the inhuman form stepped past them on spindly, fur-covered legs.
Master Pandemonium's appearance was changed to an inhuman form by the torments in suffered at the hands of the Rakasha.
Anyone who would deliberately harm a child was the lowest, most inhuman form of life imaginable.
But even in the charnel-house confusion of rendered flesh and blackened bone he could make out enough inhuman forms to quicken his pulse.
Moore could see the inhuman forms reaching out with black-taloned fingers, ruined faces gaping, black eyeholes now red and hungry.
It was deterrence - mutual assured destruction - that provided this inhuman form of security.
Not all had the inhuman forms of swarmlings.
Stoning is a cruel, inhuman and degrading form of punishment, which the Commission finds totally unacceptable.
The death penalty, which is practised in many parts of the world, is one of the most inhuman forms of law enforcement.
Caning is an inhuman and degrading form of punishment which should be abolished everywhere in the world.