They were small only as compared with the inhuman scale of their surroundings; the very least would have covered a fair-sized city.
In the process, it has somehow managed to get a soul, in spite of the inhuman scale of some of its windswept spaces.
Walls, doors, halls, steps, everything was built to an inhuman scale that made Arya remember the stories Old Nan used to tell of the giants who lived beyond the Wall.
Further away two more monsters threaten each other, while in front some tortoises and ammonites show the inhuman scale of the dinosaurs.
This is a move to lessen the effects of the 'inhuman' scale of some of the Bijlmer's designs.
To appreciate the West, he once remarked, "You have to get over the color green; you have to quit associating beauty with gardens and lawns; you have to get used to an inhuman scale."
There were one or two lights on in the huge structure, but these only served to accentuate the hopeless and inhuman scale of the place.
She was too overwhelmed to take it all in, retaining only a blurred impression of great dark-grey mechanisms, projected to an inhuman scale.
Predictably, in this inhuman scale and amid these elaborate conceits, characterization suffers.
Even when small, his pieces loom like menhirs, their massiveness imposing an inhuman scale.