I don't think Hayek or Friedman ever supported the inhumane acts of Pinochet.
I call this an inhumane act.
The evidence against the German soldiers verified their inhumane acts of violence.
"In a widespread and systematic matter, Croatian troops committed murder and other inhumane acts," investigators said in their report.
The children of the martyrs will never forget the inhumane acts of the Serbs, and how the world watched without interfering seriously.
Later in August at least a further 20,000 people were the subject of deportation by way of forcible displacement due to crimes and inhumane acts.
The terrorist attacks are cruel and inhumane acts", the foreign ministry said in a statement.
If citizens do not responsibly demonstrate against the operation of inhumane acts by their governments, the governments become increasingly irresponsive and corrupt.
We are showing respect today for all of the victims of these inhumane acts.
The carrying out of a death sentence is an inhumane act which has no place in a civilised society.