Portraying her as human is sympathetic propaganda for someone who imposed inhumane policies, just as those same failed policies are being introduced again.
Doesn't that send a wrong signal to the world that our government is pursuing an immoral, inhumane foreign policy?
It was a plea for the innocent victim of prejudice or inhumane policies.
Imprisoning the mentally ill after a tragedy has already occurred, rather than providing them with preventive mental health care services, is an expensive and inhumane policy.
This is something we cannot ignore and we must push for an end to this inhumane policy.
So really we have to bring an end to European tax-payers' money being used for the cruel and inhumane policy of live exports.
It would appear that grassroots dissatisfaction is turning into a fight against this inhumane policy of poverty, injustice and war.
Clearly, the 2008 war and the inhumane policy towards civilians are intended to be forgotten.
In view of the humanitarian disaster triggered by Milosevic and his inhumane policies, both are needed.
By the end of his time as governor, he was ordering inhumane policies against the Indians that his wiser subordinates ignored.