Users who choose the highest-priced monthly service, at 15,000 yen ($125), get a large block of free minutes and a cheaper per-minute charge if they exhaust their initial allotment.
A total of 297 Nieuport 28s were purchased by the Americans, with the 94th and 95th Aero Squadron receiving the initial allotments, starting in March 1918.
Tech's sales increased to more than 13,000 by Dec. 14, and Virginia Tech officials requested an initial allotment from the Gator Bowl.
The initial allotment is spoken for, the company says, and perhaps that level of buyer interest will persuade the company to make the roadster more widely available.
The initial allotment would be exactly as much as the states are receiving to pay for Medicaid today, and it would grow every year to account for inflation and population.
Several polling stations needed emergency shipments of ballots because they had exhausted their initial allotments, each numbering in the thousands, electoral and military officials said.
Between 1946 and 1949, all of the initial allotment of units received federal recognition in the CONUS.
Tickets officially went on sale December 4, and three days later, Virginia Tech had sold out its entire initial allotment of 15,000 tickets.
The initial allotment of 10 MiG-15 fighters delivered in 1955 was followed by 24 MiG-15UTI trainers from that year on.
The initial allotment was for a 3,000 watt station to broadcast on 93.7 FM to serve Yazoo City.