During every song fans jumped up and dived back into the crowd much to her initial annoyance and then amusement.
Despite his initial annoyance, supper that night was an extravagance Murdo welcomed.
Her initial annoyance, which had been threatening to become anger, shifted closer to sudden apprehension.
My initial annoyance with Kate's lying to me was changing to annoyance that she hadn't called or beeped.
Her initial annoyance at the interruption faded when she recognized the car.
Many reviewers highlighted the "snippets" style of the book as both a highlight and an initial annoyance.
Dodger's initial annoyance at Estios's suggestion of larceny eased as he saw the professor's reaction.
To her initial annoyance, her past life still connects her to people and events.
After some initial annoyance - because it all too accurately recalled the emotions of his youth - Floyd had gone along with the joke.
I'd already recovered from all my initial annoyance with Denver International Airport.