The stadium was built in 2009 and its initial capacity stood at 5000, all seated.
The school had an initial capacity of 1,600 students.
The prison opened on April 13, 1990, with an initial capacity of 516 prisoners.
The new plant would start with an initial capacity of 100,000 units per year.
The stadium has been designed with an initial capacity of between 60,000 spectators.
The initial capacity of the ground was about 6,000 but gradually increased during the years to 10,230.
The initial capacity was 19.9 Mm and an area of 6 km.
The port will have an initial capacity to handle 10 million tones per year.
Production will commence with an initial capacity of 300,000 cars in 2009.
Then choosing initial capacity is optimization, not getting the program to run.