Begun with an initial capitalization of $300 million, within three years the firm grew to $2.7 billion under management across three funds.
It was started in December 1926 with an initial capitalization of $150,000.
Our initial capitalization' will be one hundred thousand dollars.
The company's initial capitalization was 1,500,000 shares of stock of no par value.
His team suffered through poor initial capitalization, then absentee owners from Japan.
The trust's initial capitalization provided money to pursue construction on existing land, plus acquisition of other sites and buildings.
At the time, the $7 million his father put up was described as the largest initial capitalization ever for a Texas insurance company.
The newspaper's first offices were at 13 Exchange Place with a reported initial capitalization of $119.
Kiwi's initial capitalization was about $7 million, all privately raised from employees.
It will have an initial capitalization, financed by both companies, of up to $100 million.