This model describes a situation where after initial colonization (or speciation) each new species pre-empts more than 50% the smallest remaining niche.
"When will Mara be ready for initial air-breathing colonization?"
But, its proto-urban form lies in the north near Espalamaca, with a grouping of north-south and east-west roads that developed from the initial colonization.
From the initial colonization(s), the Lucayan expanded throughout the Bahamas in some 800 years (c. 700 - c. 1500), growing to a population of about 40,000.
Several nomadic groups were part of the initial colonization of Pern.
Deneb, and all colony worlds, started life indebted for the large cost of the initial colonization of the planet.
Was the magic lost after the initial colonization?
Coffee has been a staple of the Caribbean nation of Haiti since its initial colonization by France in the 17th century.
Also, in earlier periods-the initial colonization, the Troubles, the slow climb back from chaos-death had winnowed the unfit out of their bloodlines.
Later books deal with the initial colonization of Pern and the creation of the dragons through genetic manipulation.