Did you guys get a real feel for the network reliability here beyond some simply speed tests after initial connections?
But I'm not at all confident I would have made the initial connection without the help of the software.
Because of this initial connection, the blending of the two companies was easily facilitated.
Making an initial connection, however, took about half the time it took with my standard modem, and once logged in, you need not log off.
The tricky part of remote spying is the initial connection.
Their initial connection, which remained throughout their lives, was through reading.
The initial connection establishes the tunnel, and no - and this is really important.
With this research he was able to draw the initial connection between the blues and traditional African music.
The initial connection to another person in a professional setting usually starts off with a touch, specifically a handshake.
But what Google also wanted to do was to try to minimize that initial connection between the client and the server.