But he said the initial contribution was "only a beginning."
When his initial $25,000 contribution proved inadequate, he gave more funds.
But France's initial contribution has fallen far short of the 2,500 to 4,000 soldiers that it had been expected to offer.
Donors make their initial contributions to the fund for a variety of personal reasons.
Switzerland's three largest private banks made an initial contribution of around $70 million last month.
In both cases, she started a new job about a year ago and made an initial $1,500 contribution to a 401(k).
For the practising year 1992/93 the initial contribution is £150.
The league announced Wednesday that it would make an initial contribution of $1 million.
Once you've made your initial contribution it's much easier to continue.
I cannot add anything on this question to what I said in my initial contribution.