For their initial demonstration, the beetlelike robots did not need the assistance of the hydrogues.
Five people were arrested on disorderly conduct charges at an initial impromptu demonstration on April 26, he said.
Following an initial demonstration of his merits as an educator, he is hired.
After the initial demonstration, the area in front of Seoul's city hall, as well as the adjoining streets, were occupied by demonstrators.
Despite the success of his initial demonstrations and the furor they had caused, only three members turned up in Guildford on the appointed day.
Despite initial demonstrations before Luftwaffe made the V2 look more reliable, it was decided both designs should proceed into production.
Before the repression of the initial demonstration, there were already some student groups that gave women the opportunity to participate actively in the social movement.
The man moves into the final sequence of the exercise, remembering flies on the instructor's face during that initial demonstration.
Fewer than 10 people were involved in each of two initial demonstrations in front of Romantic Depot.
After the initial demonstrations, a curfew was implemented in the town.