As a last resort, all three, much to Clarkson's initial dismay, decided to buy motorbikes.
Despite his forebodings and initial dismay, Petiron soon began to relax and enjoy the trip.
That initial dismay signaled a greater than usual uncertainty about the contract's chances of being ratified.
Indeed, the initial dismay of the spaza owners has already been tempered by realism.
After my initial dismay, however, I was glad to see that things really had changed.
The initial dismay was replaced by a dogged determination to continue the war and repair the damage done.
Despite his initial dismay with the Swithland carrying all those extra sheriffs and deputies it was turning out to be a good trip.
To the initial dismay of the crew, Raynor agrees.
After the initial dismay he began to wonder why nothing had been devised to protect switches.
The blonde had recovered from her initial dismay.