The artists have made an initial donation of 300 paintings, 350 drawings, 227 glass objects and 207 graphic works to the foundation.
And yet, after this initial donation of money, funds were not forthcoming.
The association is to make an initial $50,000 donation for the newspaper program at the Adcenter.
That initial donation enabled construction to start on the first permanent building.
It was after Lewis Smith's initial $212,000 donation that his parents went to court.
An initial donation came in 1996 followed by another substantial body of material in 2012.
Following an initial donation of $100,000, she made gifts totaling $3 million.
Rexnord made an initial donation of $100,000; by December 2006, the fund had topped $325,000.
Revlon's initial donation of $2.5 million helped finance that research, among other projects.
By then, the Extension Service already had spent far beyond the initial $2,500 donation.