What a journey this has been from my initial elation at discovering I was pregnant to a misdiagnosed miscarriage to today's doctor's visit.
The initial elation the rest of us were experiencing was as far away as her childhood.
After the initial elation came the questions.
His initial elation had been much dampened by realizing that his young friend was being excluded from the interview.
A few strange zippers and the gravity of 35 pounds of high-tech fabric and padding later, I felt initial elation.
But a few minutes later, she added, her initial elation plunged to embarrassment.
Her initial elation deflated, she jumped to her feet.
His initial elation was dampened somewhat by the knowledge that the Hawkeye crew would not take what e said at face value.
Once he had been elected to the Directory, he had gotten over the initial elation rather rapidly.
Now that she considered it, Luz's initial elation faded.