The initial emphasis on science and technology has been extended to other academic areas such as health sciences and humanities.
This classification scheme is only a reminder of the initial emphasis of a particular style and should not be considered an absolute division.
The initial emphasis was to provide training for secondary school teaching.
Geographic coverage will be worldwide with initial emphasis on North American taxa.
The magazine went through a number of versions, including an initial emphasis on women athletes, both amateurs and professional.
Much of the initial emphasis was on the germs that enemies might use in an attack, officials said.
The initial emphasis on heavier industry later spawned a wide variety of highly engineered mechanical and scientific equipment.
As in other disciplines, the initial emphasis of feminist economists was to critique the established theory, methodology, and policy approaches.
I am glad that, after its initial emphasis on a police-based approach, the Commission is now moving forward with a much better overall approach.
They may also have been exacerbated by the Obama Administration's initial emphasis on the way the plan would help hold down health-care costs.