Beyond that initial error, the department moved into a case it was unprepared to solve in a very defensive manner.
That was the right move, but it underlined his initial error: launching a good policy with bad politics.
The line was surveyed a second time due to initial errors.
Third, following the initial error, the plane would have passed more than 60 miles south of where it was downed.
The art of safe piloting is to learn to avoid the initial error whenever possible.
Mark insisted on marriage, but I refused to compound the initial error in judgment.
Due to an initial error, the initial count stood at 337 to 320, however the number of yes votes was later determined to be 338.
So don't try to blame the speed of this story for the initial errors made in the reporting.
But the investigation focused on the initial error and the poor recovery, and not the rudder issue.
They are talking about an Iraq where the automatic effects of the initial strategic error are all too evident.