The receptacle collapses about 24 hours after its initial eruption from the egg.
Within seconds of the initial eruption, there is widespread laughing throughout the jury box.
Since its initial eruption in 1850, it has erupted more than 20 times, most recently in 1995 and 1999.
Fifteen days after the initial eruption, explosive activity occurred again above Urzelina.
Each has a greater accumulation of material on the northeast, presumably due to strong southwest winds during the initial eruption.
The eruption at 05:55 was reported as being five times stronger than the initial eruption on 26 October 2010.
Two minutes and fifteen seconds after the initial eruption, a much larger explosion took place on the submarine.
The initial eruption was an extremely violent, high-energy pyroclastic flow.
The initial eruption destroys the plane they arrived in.
The initial eruption may be exacerbated by pressure or trauma to the affected areas.