Her eyes were still conning the main cabin, and her face seemed unable to break out of its initial expression: dazed disbelief.
Thus, the initial expression of gluRs is also innervation-independent.
Vanir's initial expression of stoic impassivity soon devolved into open contempt.
Dave Stewart understands, and welcomes, that initial expression of astonishment when the project was first announced just a few months ago.
This form is designed to be used as an initial expression of interest to work with a potential prime contractor for specific competitions.
After that initial expression of objection to the stew, his innards settled down.
On the face of the guard, a thirtyish First rating, initial supercilious expression changed to something like respect.
And any initial expression of disinterest could be a bargaining tactic.
After the initial expression of interest, global tenders were expected to be called in in a couple of months.
However, despite the initial expressions of fear that this practice could cause problems, it does not in fact seem to have become widespread.