The only publicly available court record regarding the seizure was the initial filing of a court order a year ago.
It has grown in importance since its initial filing because of some allegations added in October.
The transfers were not shown on the organization's initial filing.
There is a discretionary period after the initial filing, during which original pleadings may be amended as a matter of course.
But last month, 27 percent of them were forced to accept prices less than the range in their initial filing to bring the issue to market.
The clemency process, from the initial filing to the final decision, will take 90 days.
Around the time of the initial filing of the lawsuit in 1980, there were 1104 residents.
Paramount made the calculations and put them in its initial filing.
Parties have filed more than 1,000 additional complaints with the attorney general's office since the initial filing of the lawsuit in May 2007.
His claim was finally denied two years after his initial filing.