Amid the initial flush of excitement and praise for the center's apparent success, there has been skepticism and criticism.
After the initial flush of success, many important problems and questions have emerged.
After that initial flush of success, things were never the same.
After the initial flush of good intentions by Groups, within six months there began a steady deterioration in the standard of crew replacements.
This war, not the first for Nagorno-Karabakh, began in 1988 in the initial flush of glasnost.
By taking thought, the cultivated listener can sometimes almost relive the initial flush of delight or awe.
"By giving people excellent food, service and value you can sustain it beyond the initial flush of curiosity."
Indeed, after the initial flush of enthusiasm that greeted the announcement of the rescue plan last week, the Mexican stock market has declined 6.5 percent.
The largest cracks and pores offer a great reservoir for the initial flush of water.
The initial flush of kiln-baking has faded.