The initial frequency was 91.9 with a call of KPGY, "The Big Pig in the Sky".
The initial frequency was bimonthly (six annual issues); it increased to monthly in 1995.
If the initial frequency is greater than 0 MHz the offset time can be linearly extrapolated to 0 MHz.
A signal received by the antenna is sent back as a harmonic, or multiple of the initial frequency, enabling researchers to sort out the tiny bee from background echoes.
One effect of this is that the roll-off can start at 6dB/octave at an initial cut-off frequency , but then at can become suddenly steeper.
The initial frequency will be every 4.5 minutes in peak hours and every 15 minutes in lean hours, when the Metro Rail is inaugurated.
The transient initial frequency in response to depolarizing pulse is controlled by rate of Ca accumulation in distal dendrites.
Stocks containing inversions at a known initial frequency can be maintained in controlled conditions.
The initial daytime frequency of every 20 mins, was a vast improvement over the 30-35 mins offered on the 202.
Half of this length will produce a pitch two octaves higher than the original-four times the initial frequency (4:1)-and so on.