The camera crews that followed Mr. Clinton into the sessions were escorted out after the initial greetings.
They hadn't seen each other in more than three weeks, yet after their initial greetings and small talk, the mood had changed to one of quiet assessment.
After the initial greetings, Mero sat on the couch where Louise lay curled in her favorite flannel nightgown and thick woolen socks.
After the initial greetings, Scouts eyes eagerly scanned the crowd of faces but didn't see the one he most hungered to see.
The initial greetings over, the five sat down around a table in a secure conference room at MI-5 headquarters.
As anticipated, the atmosphere at the initial greetings at the turbolift were extremely cool but punctiliously correct in the Mercan fashion, even between Pallar and Lenos.
Later, they sent fuzzy, sepia-toned images of the hatch opening and initial greetings through ground stations in Russia.
She noticed the intense concentration of the group and said nothing after the initial greetings.
This is augmented by several dozen BASIC lines for less critical tasks, such as the initial greetings and the game legend animation inter-line delay.
By the way, Eponine, she said, turning to the Frenchwoman, who had said very little since their initial greetings outside the city, I must apologize for our rudeness.