Some submissions were to clear the initial hurdles relatively quickly, even when they fell at the first one.
After some initial hurdles with the paperwork, Barrantes quickly became a favorite both with the players and coaching staff.
There are four basic choices available to the cheated wife after the initial hurdles have been gracefully overcome.
It didn't take a lot to clear that initial hurdle; it all seemed so hypothetical.
In all, he was concerned in about seven schemes, but most did not pass the initial hurdle of an Act of Parliament being passed.
Nobody likes to be inspected and we've had to get over that initial hurdle.
Despite some initial hurdles, the team was formed in 2009, launching officially on the evening of 2 March 2009, after several months of preparation.
Agents who fell at this initial hurdle would be sent to the 'cooler' at Inverlair, in Invernesshire.
Once you get past the initial hurdle of meeting someone and then getting to know him, the hard part comes - getting the timing right.
Right now I'm his opponent, because he hasn't gotten past the initial hurdle yet.