The process took 2 years to finalize the initial line-up.
As a result of these changes, Brian Ross is the only remaining member from their initial line-up.
The band's initial line-up was as below, although there would be changes by the time they came to work on their third album.
The big name in the initial line-up was novelist Philip Pullman.
The initial line-up has not been changed since its last production.
As the bands initial line-up began to settle in, work on their first album began.
The initial line-up varied, usually dependant upon the availability of individual members at any given time.
The initial line-up changed over the nearly two decades of the band's existence as members came and went.
Bobby Rock has played as a touring drummer for Slaughter, but was not in the initial line-up.
Soon after the release Morgan started performing with a range of musicians which eventually formed the initial line-up of the band.