According to the initial measure, starting in 2012, each coffee shop was to operate like a private club with some 1,000 to 1,500 members.
The Kremlin is aiming to have the plan completed by May 1, with its initial measures to go into effect in July.
The two sides are supposed to undertake initial measures within 48 hours of agreeing to a firm timetable sometime within a week.
In some cases, the initial strict measures of control and opposition to religious activity were gradually relaxed in communist states.
Having applied these initial measures, Esquilache proceeded to apply them towards the general population.
That was of course before Martha Stewart, whose public image has, by initial measures, seemingly gained in stature after her release from federal prison.
He set up two initial measures.
The initial measures taken by the transition government in Tunisia are heading in the right direction.
The proposals should nevertheless be supported as an initial measure.
As an initial measure, he required the company to reimburse the women's lawyers and the court for all costs related to the investigation of the document destruction.