He has, as well, struck out a half a dozen batters, including four in his initial outing against the Dodgers.
Not since his initial outing on a cup boat in 1974 has Dennis Conner relinquished the helm.
His initial outings in the first team displayed some promise as well.
The Hulk stories were less fortunate, and have never been reprinted or translated since their initial outings.
And, as we learned on our initial outing, the region fills up on weekends with escaping city folks.
However, after two rough initial outings, he went 1-2 with a 3.80 ERA over his remaining 9 starts.
The cars placed first and second in their initial outing and brought home the Penrose trophy.
On your initial outing, you may have trouble spotting mussels because they will often be hidden under a lush growth of rockweed.
The pair finished 16th in their initial outing.
The Yankees were encouraged by his initial outing.