This technology, which was never used commercially, produces plants that have sterile seeds so they do not flower or grow fruit after the initial planting.
The initial planting of the vines was done in 2006, with a further plantation added in April 2007.
Banana bunches are ready for harvest 12 to 15 months after initial planting.
The thefts never materialized, the maintenance has been minimal and aside from an initial planting of species tulips, the deer have bypassed the plants.
The first phase of development, opened in October 2001, involved the creation of the fountain and initial planting of the gardens.
The fields do not need to be plowed after the initial planting.
More than 40 native plants were included in the initial planting.
In 1927, a group of American school children re-enacted the initial planting.
Green Flake, who came to Utah with the pioneer company in July 1847, helped with the initial planting of crops that year.
The initial planting included 210 acres (85 hectares) and was followed with a second wave of plantings in 1864.