The camp commandant offered the film crews use of the base facilities, including his house for the lead actors, after initial scenes were finished.
Other sources have also noted the homage the initial scenes pay to the opening tour through the Nostromo in Alien.
It was two days before he was to shoot her initial scenes for the film.
"Establish the initial scene well enough and you can model the rest with amazing accuracy."
Robert Payne has suggested that the initial scene of the courtship takes place on the bank of a canal instead of a river.
"You were back in your dressing room after your initial scene and again for costume changes throughout the play."
Hendrickson said, "To see how the role evolved from those initial scenes has been astonishing.
The initial scene contains the film's tile rendered in Chinese calligraphy.
The initial scenes in the highway were filmed at the highways near Pilar.
Both characters are wearing the same clothes as in the initial scene in the film.