Despite initial scepticism, Godfrey later came to believe that the he was the victim of an alien abduction.
It seemed to work, because gradually he began to relax and even to apologise for his initial scepticism.
This made his reputation, but led to some initial scepticism on the part of Lefschetz.
Following initial scepticism and lively discussion in the medical literature, it is now recognised by many authors.
Wright's film consequently met with some initial scepticism from fans, especially in relation to plot changes and casting choices.
Despite some initial scepticism that the revival would not work, the show was an immediate hit.
After some initial scepticism, Betty gave enthusiastic support to the venture.
Some doctors found their initial professional scepticism groundless when they saw the effects Kenny's method had on her patients (both children and adults).
Despite initial scepticism, Lister's methods were refined and then widely adopted.
Despite initial scepticism, the Convention has managed to strike an admirable compromise.