Some dealers say their initial shipments are already sold out.
On January 21, 2011, it was announced that the single album has sold all of the initial shipments.
In exchange, it will reportedly pay about $1,135 per barrel, with an initial shipment of 60,000 barrels.
This is the largest initial shipment of a recording Disney has ever sent out.
The balance of the initial shipment of 167,000 was returned in August.
But Microsoft appears resigned to an initial shipment of fewer products.
Despite this, only one company has made an initial shipment of American sake to Japan.
Almost 80% of the initial Japanese shipment was sold within two days.
With more than 500,000 advance orders, it is the largest initial shipment of home videos the company has ever made.
The first is whether he authorized the initial shipment of arms that was sent in August 1985.