The initial sighting of the two Mexican brigs was at about 5:30 am.
At 2110, only six minutes after the initial sighting, the unidentified ship's bow smashed into Wickes port billboard.
No definitive confirmation of those reports emerged, despite intensive searching over five years following the initial sightings.
The initial sighting was about 10 a.m. Wednesday, about 30 miles north of the border.
After the initial sightings on the cliffs, the Britons had pulled back.
That would depend on the time between the initial sighting and the start of the attack.
The windage adjustment is intended only for the initial sighting in procedure of the C79.
I felt the initial sighting in The Hague had been a premonition.
Corroborating with the mother system, I have determined that the craft is moving on inertial power with no signs of thrust since the initial sighting.
The kite presented to The Columbian newspaper the week after the initial sightings stood 7 and-a-half feet tall with a 13 foot wingspan.