The initial spike varied by as much as thirty percent, but as a whole the light curve was incredibly regular.
Yesterday, comments from Fed and ex-Fed officials threw early jitters into the bond market, along with an initial spike in the commodities index.
After the initial spike at the start of the season, the amount of technical fouls and ejections declined significantly towards the middle of the year.
Inappropriately fine-grained powder often caused cannons to burst before the projectile could move down the barrel, due to the high initial spike in pressure.
Yet wireless networks survived the initial spike in traffic.
Complex spikes are slow, 1-3 Hz spikes, characterized by an initial prolonged large-amplitude spike, followed by a high-frequency burst of smaller-amplitude action potentials.
This produced an initial spike in ratings, though the station lost much of that audience, as the years progressed.
Amgen and Praecis recently reported that in clinical trials, abarelix reduced testosterone more quickly than an existing drug, Lupron, and without the initial spike in hormone levels.
The first ratings books showed an initial spike, but faded rather quickly, once the novelty wore off.
The ice core record showed that within no more than 30 years after the initial spike of warming that ended the Younger Dryas, atmospheric methane had increased.