"After Mr. Johnson dies and the museum opens, there will be an initial spurt, but I don't see hordes of people continuing to visit."
This initial spurt is just for show: the plants are palatable only after their second growth in the fall.
Her initial spurt of fear over, her normal spirit was returning.
Despite the initial spurt after the Civil War, growth of the town was stunted because the railroad was not built through Avilla.
On Spock's tricorder, his heart rate was higher than it had been even during the initial spurt after awakening.
Posting its sixth straight record, the Dow rode an initial spurt of buying and then climbed gradually, reaching 3,200 in the final hour of trading.
More than not, Rissa enjoyed it, and afterward found pleasure in the card game, though after an initial spurt of winning she barely broke even.
As expected, this data provided an initial spurt for the long bond in the credit markets although it ended only slightly higher for the day.
After an initial spurt, the pension plan slumped again when stock prices fell.
Democrats maintain that after the initial spurt, it would cost billions a year in lost revenue.