The debris was metallic, manufactured, but their initial sweep hadn't scooped up enough of it to make an identification.
They're blended in so well I didn't detect them on initial sweep.
Their initial sweep scattered explosives around the machine warriors, striking both cymeks and buildings.
Treacher's smile continued to cut through his face as he brought the gun back from its initial sweep to throw another gush of death into the alien.
The weather was exceedingly rough and, the night before the initial sweep, 20 foot seas were running.
They are also trying to convince some Democrats to switch parties, although an initial sweep of a handful of potential defectors has come up empty.
"Something you didn't see during your initial sweep?"
Maybe Graveson panicked and was afraid to move when McQueen didn't get you along with Pierre in her initial sweep.
In the initial sweep, 500,000 studies were found, which were screened down to 22,000.
On our initial sweep, we netted ten or twelve of the enemy; on our return trip down the hill we killed another two or three.