He had conquered his initial terror of the Count, yet the man managed still to make him excruciatingly uncomfortable, even without saying a word.
He was beaten to death by worshipers after they overcame their initial terror.
The initial terror gradually gave way to acceptance and eventually determination.
The initial terror had numbed him but gradually it was wearing off.
Their initial terror - in the air, with no news, they thought there had been a nuclear accident or bomb - has melted into crankiness.
They had lost four members of their staff to the initial terror, not counting the folks who were already out sick.
Baley wanted to shut his eyes in initial terror, but fought the sensation.
By July 2, 1941, many of the initial terror actions were halted, yet the individual, planned executions continued.
His initial terror at unexpectedly coming under fire was gone now, replaced by the more familiar fear that went with any combat.
When you confronted me, the initial terror I felt turned my anger into something like hysteria.