After the initial uprising, the various tribes fought among themselves in a chaotic era known as the Sixteen Kingdoms.
Now, six months on from the initial uprisings of the Arab Spring (which, understandably enough, no one expected), we seem to have got all our predictions wrong yet again.
In February 1994 following the initial uprising, Ramona attended peace talks and served as a negotiator with the Mexican government.
On 14 July, Mubarak told prosecutors that he did not order security forces to open fire on protesters during the initial uprising in February.
Less than seventy-two hours after the initial uprising, the government was again firmly in control.
Following the initial uprising in November 1705 there was little response from the Austrians for nearly two months.
Though the winning army was well armed, the initial uprising was nonetheless a folk uprising.
His experimental manipulations created the conditions that sparked the initial uprising on Earth.
He hadn't heard such a racket since the initial suboid uprising years ago.
During this initial uprising, three died and fifty were injured.