Mr. Chen has admitted initially lying to prosecutors about the receipts.
Dignam was initially admitted to hospital with a suspected chest infection; this progressed to pneumonia.
Georgia had been partially readmitted in the previous Congress, but was not initially admitted to the 41st Congress.
The care in the general hospital where she was initially admitted however, was dreadful, they didn't want to know.
She sued and was initially admitted to the college as a day student.
In 2010, 46,366 candidates applied and 5,827 were initially admitted, making the acceptance rate 12.6%.
She was initially admitted to a general hospital (Wycombe) with ovarian cancer (she also had dementia).
Women were initially admitted only as guests.
The first class in 1990-1991 had 448 students (only upper class students were initially admitted).
Research students are admitted initially as supervised postgraduates and take a course of study tailored to their individual needs and experience.