When they didn't arrive for warm ups, Rush was initially angry, but as time passed, she became concerned.
Bobby was initially angry until he saw his first royalty check for the single after it had become a hit.
Lucas is left to discover their past on his own, and is initially angry about it.
She is initially angry and wants to return to Earth.
She was initially angry at having been kept in the dark but came to accept her mother's actions following a heart to heart with Diane.
She is initially angry with him, but that night, the two begin a romantic relationship.
Though Christie is initially angry, she goes along with the campaign.
Emma is initially angry but calms down when Paul explains why he never wrote to her.
Four is initially angry over her abandonment but knows that she was abused by his father.
While initially angry with him, Scarlett eventually forgave his actions and the two again became engaged.