Upon being stood up, the Regiment was initially authorized to use the motto "Non Retrorsum", which is Latin for "We will not retreat".
When a customer called this year to order two gift baskets, the charges were initially authorized.
Around Boyaca, he was financing 25 Convivirs, armed citizen defense groups initially authorized by the Government, that have been implicated in paramilitary-style murders.
Chinquapin (YN-12) was initially authorized as Fir (YN-2), but renamed in October 1940 before construction began.
The series involves characters related to Tarzan and was initially authorized by the estate of Edgar Rice Burroughs.
Although the newspaper was initially authorized to function, the authorities closed down Făclia Ţării as soon as possible after this issue.
Initially authorized for a twenty-five-year period, the LWCF has been extended for another twenty-five years, its current mandate running until January 2015.
Childress Army Airfield was initially authorized on 2 May 1942 and occupied an area of 2,474 acres.
It was initially authorized by the city's Taxi and Limousine Commission as a pilot program.
With the advent of bombing, the Observer Badge was also initially authorized to aircraft bombardiers.