Grauballe Man was initially dated to the late 3rd century BC by analysing the stratigraphic layer of peat that his body was found in.
An Aramaic inscription initially dated to the 6th century, and recently redated to Abbasid or Umayyad period, was found on a kelila (a type of chandelier) found in the synagogue.
The deposits from which it originated were initially dated to the Eocene; subsequent authors have usually assigned them to the Early Miocene though certainly rocks from around the Eo-Oligocene boundary also occur in the region where it was found.
The Arivarkovil or the Temple cave is initially dated to Pallava King Mahendravarman I (580-630AD) prior to his conversion from Jainism to Hinduism.
Initially dated Helen Fok, but the relationship ended rather quickly upon Howard's marriage to Helen's mother, which made them brothers and sisters.
In 1938 the bog trackway was initially dated by pollen analysis to the to the 6th century BC dated, a radiocarbon dating performed in 1957, however yielded an age around Christ's birth.
The Dover Castle clock was initially dated in the 14th century, only to be later revised to around 1600.
The workshop was initially dated at 30,000 years old, but this figure has now been revised to 75,000 years.
Shabaka's reign was initially dated from 716 BC to 702 BC by Kenneth Kitchen.
She had initially dated Schriever's paternal uncle, George Schriever, who had immigrated to Union City, New Jersey, and become a prosperous baker and delicatessen owner there.