They initially enlisted for three years with the colours and a further nine years with the reserve.
Based on little more than their gut instincts - and sometimes recommendations by musician friends who lived in Washington Heights or Queens - they initially enlisted 26 stores.
They initially enlisted for eight years with the colours and a further four years with the reserve.
They initially enlisted for seven years with the colours and a further five years with the reserve.
He initially enlisted in the British Army in October 1914 when he was 15.
Once soldiers initially enlist, they usually wait one month to one year before they formally enlist and are shipped to basic training.
During World War I he initially enlisted in the Artists Rifles, and was then released from military service to manage a shell factory.
He initially enlisted in Company H, 3rd Iowa Volunteer Infantry Regiment.
She initially enlisted in the a volunteer women's emergency service program following the Attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941.
They initially enlisted for twelve years and were immediately promoted Sergeant.