However, probably due to the model initially experiencing mechanical failure, changes were made to the rear cylinder.
Patients initially experience acute-like symptoms which are not as severe, and subside within a few weeks.
Some visitors may initially experience, as I did, an urge to push the gallery walls outward to accommodate the entire show.
Mattingly has had occasional discomfort in his back since initially experiencing trouble during the 1987 season.
Construction commenced in mid-1914, and initially experienced a delay due to sandy soil on the site.
A primary record is a resource created by the same people that initially experienced or used it.
Once on the floor, the disk is moving faster, so the disk initially experiences a greater air resistance force than does the ring.
Emotions change over time, too; the emotions initially experienced may not be what people feel down the road.
But pharmacists say beneficiaries may initially experience delays and frustration as the promise of the new program is translated into practice.
To overcome these difficulties the technical issues initially experienced had to be surpassed.