Hawaiians resisted the lease of the land and initially forbade the sale of provisions to plantation managers.
The Treaty of Versailles signed only days after the F-13 flew, initially forbade any aircraft construction in Germany for several months.
Despite its immense popularity, the WHL initially forbade the Hitmen from using the logo, deeming the look too violent, but relented a year later.
Although Armour's father initially forbade it, they were eventually married in 1788.
Even here he initially forbade devotees to revere or care for him.
Jefferson initially forbids his daughters from following in his footsteps as a costumed hero until after they complete their education.
More than 1,000 tons of bombs were dropped on the city, but Stalin initially forbade any evacuation from the city, even of children.
Police commanders initially forbade Sergeant Miranda to speak at the news conference announcing the discrimination suit.
However, Owens' grandmother initially forbid him from playing sports until high school.
English law initially forbade either the export of British currency or the establishment of colonial mints.