From 1975 to 1991, he was the mayor of Kassel, initially gaining the office at the age of only 33.
Bonds initially gained yesterday after the Government said housing starts rose 3 percent in February, to an annual rate of 1.49 million.
It initially gained a huge response as Virgin was the only mobile service provider who paid for incoming calls.
He initially gained experience designing the covers for all of the original Jetset albums.
He initially gained reputation as an artist who did landscapes and figures in traditional style.
In Sichuan he attempted to set up a civil administration and initially gained considerable support.
Shakira initially gains the upper hand, but is outflanked by her love interest.
Rosch initially gained recognition with his work in performance art.
The first version of the product was launched in 2007 and initially gained little traction in the tough economy.
The prices of Government securities dropped yesterday in late afternoon trading after initially gaining ground.